• Bible Verses on Suffering
    Bible Verses

    15 Insightful Bible Verses on Suffering

    See, it’s not God’s will for us to suffer wrongly. However, it is inevitable that in our Christian journey, we will encounter diverse stages of suffering. Jesus said so, that in this world we would have tribulations, and James 1 v 2 with 1 Peter 1 v 6 portrays that, too. Yet such situations and circumstances do not mean that God has forsaken us. It will surprise you to know that such trials and temptations are things we can handle, for God will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear. And in times like that, God has equipped you with all you need to use such moments…

  • Bible Verses on Overthinking
    Bible Verses

    15 Insightful Bible Verses on Overthinking

    Under the disguise of planning for the days ahead, we often end up overthinking. It is true that anyone who fails to plan has automatically planned to fail, and even Jesus admonished us to sit down and count the costs before embarking on any project. But we usually go beyond estimating to overestimate! And that wasn’t Jesus’ words to us. On the contrary, Jesus told us not to worry about tomorrow. So, where and how can we find the balance? Does it seem like Jesus contradicted Himself? No, He didn’t. Actually, to think is to consider an existing idea. For example, you want to start a building project, but your…

  • 15 Insightful Bible Verses on Money
    Bible Verses

    15 Insightful Bible Verses on Money

    Dear believers, so long as we are in this world, money is a subject that should concern us. Our daily transactions and translations require money. We use money to buy food to eat, clothes to cover our nakedness, and build houses to shelter and shield us. And even if the world is now a global village through the efforts of technology, we still have to pay for our interest servers. And that’s just one example. But at the same time, God does not wish for us to spend all night worrying about our material needs and be out of bed early every new day in pursuit of money. God’s will…

  • Bible Verses on Qualities of a Good Wife
    Bible Verses

    15 Insightful Bible Verses on Qualities of a Good Wife

    There’s this saying that behind every successful man is a good wife who brings out the best in him. And that is how it’s supposed to be. But today, we see wives who have become competitors to their husbands, not putting to work the biblical standard or qualities attributed to a good wife. Every man desires a good wife to walk the journey of life, and according to the scripture that says the man who finds a wife finds a good thing; she is a blessing to him from the Lord. It means a good wife should possess virtues that complete her husband and bring peace to her home. So,…

  • Bible Verses for Job Seekers
    Bible Verses

    15 Insightful Bible Verses for Job Seekers

    Dear job-seeking believer, I am also a job-seeker at the point of writing this. So, rest assured I truly understand your situation. Maybe this is your first time job-hunting, then welcome to the labour market! Or maybe, like me, you once had it all going well and smoothly, but in the blink of an eye and without any signal, everything started leaking freely like water in a basket. I tell you, I was once a well-paid freelance writer and Christian Social Media Manager on top freelancing sites, but along the way, and against my will, I arrived at square one. It’s in that fate that I’m starting this blog. I…

  • Bible Verses on making Decisions
    Bible Verses

    15 Insightful Bible Verses on Making Decisions

    Making decisions on our own is enticing. But I’ve lived it out severally that life does not play out in real life as it does in my imagination. And I believe this is true for you, too. Even seemingly minute decisions to stand up can be fatal. If you’ve observed, most slumping incidents occur after a person stands up or takes a routined walk around familiar surroundings. The point is, harmless kills, too. Do you remember Adam and Eve? And that it’s by merely eating a fruit that they birthed spiritual death, physical death, eternal death with sickness, pain, and others? As natural as eating is, it can have negative…