15 Insightful Bible Verses On Debt
So many situations can urge us to consider borrowing to ease things up. I know because I have been there.
Although I might not have and do not wish to encounter all of the following, I can empathize with some.
At times, unexpected medical bills can be frightening, and the only immediately available option is to borrow money to cover up the emergency. I have done that before, and I have also stopped medication because I didn’t have any more funds for food and other supplements necessary for the continuation of my medications.
You could also be overwhelmed by the sudden breakdown of your car that immediately required a loan for urgent repairs.
Perhaps you might have even been attempting to save up for your rental renewals or child’s tuition and school supplies but couldn’t gather the exact budget.
It could be anything.
And when we borrow, it’s after the thought to pay back. But sometimes, things go south instead of how we had planned to.
As a result, we can’t pay back on time or at all.
Believe me, I understand. And I know God understands best because He has much to say about borrowing and debt in the Bible: how He wishes to make us lenders, not borrowers, about paying back debts, etc.
Some of which can be found in these 15 Insightful Bible Verses About Debt below
1- Romans 13 v 7:
“Pay everyone whatever he ought to have: pay your taxes and import duties gladly, obey those over you, and give honor and respect to all those to whom it is due.” (TLB)
2- Psalm 37 v 21:
“Evil men borrow and cannot pay it back! But the good man returns what he owes with some extra besides.” (TLB)
3- Proverbs 22 v 7:
“Just as the rich rule the poor, so the borrower is servant to the lender.” (TLB)
4- Deuteronomy 28 v 12:
“He will open to you his wonderful treasury of rain in the heavens, to give you fine crops every season. He will bless everything you do; and you shall lend to many nations, but shall not borrow from them.” (TLB)
5- Proverbs 22 v 26:
“Unless you have the extra cash on hand, don’t countersign a note. Why risk everything you own? They’ll even take your bed!”
6- Matthew 5 v 42:
“Give to those who ask, and don’t turn away from those who want to borrow.” (TLB)
7- Exodus 22 v 25 – 27:
“If you lend money to a needy fellow Hebrew, you are not to handle the transaction in an ordinary way, with interest. If you take his clothing as a pledge of his repayment, you must let him have it back at night. For it is probably his only warmth; how can he sleep without it? If you don’t return it, and he cries to me for help, I will hear and be very gracious to him at your expense, for I am very compassionate.” (TLB)
8- Hebrews 13 v 5:
“Stay away from the love of money; be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, I will never, never fail you nor forsake you.” (TLB)
9- Deuteronomy 15 v 6:
“He will bless you as he has promised. You shall lend money to many nations but will never need to borrow! You shall rule many nations, but they shall not rule over you!” (TLB)
10- 1 Corinthians 10 v 13:
“But remember this—the wrong desires that come into your life aren’t anything new and different. Many others have faced exactly the same problems before you. And no temptation is irresistible. You can trust God to keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can’t stand up against it, for he has promised this and will do what he says. He will show you how to escape temptation’s power so that you can bear up patiently against it.” (TLB)
11- Ecclesiastes 5 v 5:
“It is far better not to say you’ll do something than to say you will and then not do it.” (TLB)
12- Ecclesiastes 5 v 4:
“So when you talk to God and vow to him that you will do something, don’t delay in doing it, for God has no pleasure in fools. Keep your promise to him.” (TLB)
13- Matthew 22 v 21:
“Caesar’s, they replied. Well, then, he said, give it to Caesar if it is his, and give God everything that belongs to God.” (TLB)
14- Deuteronomy 23 v 20:
“To a foreigner you may charge interest, but to your brother you shall not charge interest, that the Lord your God may bless you in all to which you set your hand in the land which you are entering to possess.” (NKJV)
15- 1 Timothy 6 v 6 – 8:
“Do you want to be truly rich? You already are if you are happy and good. After all, we didn’t bring any money with us when we came into the world, and we can’t carry away a single penny when we die. So we should be well satisfied without money if we have enough food and clothing.” (TLB)
Topping Off What Does the Bible Say About Debt
Borrowing is not a sin, and many things can necessitate it. But as soon as you can, pay back your debt as fast as you borrowed it. As insinuated in the above 15 Insightful Bible Verses on Debt, don’t be slow about paying back your debt. And it’s my prayer God helps you pay your debts soon and supply all your needs so you will become a lender as well.
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